LETTER mentioning DANIEL MYLREA (Douglas)

Douglass 10th April 1790

Dear Sir …………… I have the pleasure to receive your favor of ……… ult by which I see you have a prospect of [make]ing a successful stand against the Duke and I [hope] the business will be gone into as far as [to diminish] any future attempt of his upon us [- his] want of friends & assistance here must be great when he depends upon Captain Small and the Deemster the latter of whom will act I think with some little caution – poor Mylrea being sent up by Captain Small shews how hard they are run [he .. do] little for them but I hope they may send him home a Lightfoot which will be doing well for him -

I had a letter lately from Col. Stowell wishes to be informed how you go on [having] taken the liberty to desire him to write to you upon the business. I hope and expect he will be of service as his connections and acquaintances with members of Parliament is extensive and I am certain ……………… will …… against ... My sources wrote you ………….. sent you ……….. £30 bill to fee ... but from what you [say] Young's intention  I hope you will get it settled much more to our satisfaction through him. 

I am with the best wishes ...,

Your most obeddient servant

Robt Heywood

Ref: Taubman Papers, Manx National Heritage Library & Archives


  1. send him home a Lightfoot probably means as a replacement for the recently deceased Robert Lightfoot, barrack master of Castletown - ie a sinecure post (Lightfoot died in debt)
  2. Captain Robert LIghtfoot had died on 30th December in Castletown
  3. Charles Small was the Collector of Customs for Douglas, appointed January 1790 (Report of the Commissioners of Enquiry for the Isle of Man 1792; Appendix B No 55))
  4. Presumably Charles Small is the Captain Small referred to in the letter and that Daniel's misdomeanor related to his importing activity

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Last updated: Mar 2022